The Art of Spotting Unmet Needs

Ever wonder how some innovators seem to pull game-changing ideas out of thin air?

Here’s their secret: They don’t.

Instead, they’re masters of observation. They see the world not as it is, but as it could be.

Next time you’re out and about, try this:

  1. Watch people struggle. That moment of frustration? It’s opportunity knocking.
  2. Listen for complaints. Every grumble is a problem begging for a solution.
  3. Notice workarounds. When people jerry-rig solutions, they’re showing you a gap in the market.
  4. Look for patterns. If you see the same issue pop up repeatedly, you’re onto something big.
  5. Question the status quo. Ask yourself, “Why is it done this way?” Often, the answer is simply, “Because that’s how it’s always been done.”

Remember, the next big thing isn’t hiding in a lab or a boardroom. It’s out there in the world, waiting for someone observant enough to spot it.

What unmet needs have you noticed lately?