The Tank Brain Takes a Holiday

It’s December 14th, and I’ve pretty much finished my gift-buying.

Can hardly call it shopping, really — mostly clicking and confirming shipping addresses. Following seriously precise “hints” from a special someone. A few local pick-ups to go.

I learned this approach the hard way. Because I’ve shopped on December 24th exactly once in my life. That was enough.

This year’s been extra challenging for my fellow Canadians. With Canada Post in its fifth week on strike, even the USPS has stopped accepting Canada-bound packages. While FedEx, UPS, and Purolator are picking up some of the slack, millions in small towns and remote areas rely solely on Canada Post for delivery.

It’s literally the Christmas without Christmas cards for many Canadians.

In I Need That, I talk about how our analytical tank brain and emotional dog brain negotiate purchases. But during last-minute holiday shopping, there’s no negotiation. The dog brain stages a complete coup.

“That costs HOW much? Whatever, wrap it.” “Will they like it? Hope so, we’re running out of time.” “Is this going to be a good gift? JUST TAKE MY MONEY.” 😫

Those luxury brands with packed stores on December 24th? They know exactly what they’re doing. They’ve seen how price sensitivity evaporates when gift anxiety peaks.

I watch this with clients’ products every year. The careful comparison shopping of early December transforms into pure panic buying by the 24th. Items that seemed “too expensive” in November are suddenly “fine, whatever” purchases.

Some interesting patterns I’ve noticed:

  • Price resistance drops about 15% each week after Black Friday
  • Regular shipping deadlines create the first panic wave
  • Express shipping deadlines trigger the final frenzy
  • Post-purchase regret spikes (but it’s too late to matter)

What blows my mind is how some people seem to love this urgency. They’re energized by the adrenaline, like extreme-sport shopping. Some are proud to do it.

Me? That one December 24th taught me everything I needed to know. My tank brain now starts nudging me around Halloween.

Action for today: Check those shipping deadlines now. (FedEx Ground is tomorrow, UPS and USPS Ground the 16th!) Then look at your own buying patterns. When does your rational tank brain surrender to your emotional dog brain? What triggers flip your price sensitivity from “that’s too freaking expensive” to “whatever, just wrap it”?

How’s your holiday shopping going? Shoot me a reply — I’d love to know!


P.S. Those packed Apple Stores on December 24th are not accidents. Some brands deliberately hold inventory for last-minute shoppers, knowing that’s when margins are highest. The dog brain will pay almost anything to avoid the pain of showing up empty-handed.